Who We Are:
- The only non-profit organization uniting camera clubs in Ontario
- We host 38 clubs with over 3,000 members across southern Ontario and growing
- Our Mandate: “Provide support and resources to member clubs in order to facilitate the advancement of photographic arts to individual members.”
Benefits to You As a Club:
- Expand your exposure to other clubs and potential members
- All members of your club become members of the OCCC, through your club’s membership
- Access to the Speakers Registry and the Judges List
- Access to the Judges Course and the Judges-in-Training program
- Software/training for online submissions and judging
- Enter the Open Challenge and gain recognition for your club and its members
- Discounted pricing for special exclusive O3C events
- Special pricing on our group Photo Tours (Local & International)
- Product & retail sponsor discounts
- All members of your club have access to our private Facebook group and Instagram page where they can learn about other clubs’ events
- To Join, please visit https://o3c.ca/join/
2025 Open Challenge Announced
You can view the results and the AV shows from the last Open Challenge here.
For more information and to Register, Click Here
Catch up on local O3C Club News & Events with our E-Newsletter
Previous Issues are available through the O3C OLIS site
If you want your Club event, announcement or industry news published or would like to contribute content, please contact our Editor, Leslie at newsletter@o3c.ca
2024-2025 Club Membership Fees
The Current fee schedule for annual membership is as follows:
- Club membership less than 25 members $ 30
- Club membership 25-50 members $ 50
- Club membership 51-100 members $ 75
- Club membership 101-200 members $ 95
- Club membership 201+ members $130
- Individual Membership $ 25
- No HST required.
- Registration is open all year to New Clubs.
- Club fees due upon registration.
Please note that the fees are prorated according to the date of initially joining the O3C and does not apply to membership renewals:
Date Joined % of Full Year Fee Payable
- Sept. 1 – Nov. 30 100%
- Dec. 1 – Feb. 28 75%
- Mar. 1 – May 31 50%
- Jun. 1 – Aug. 31 25%
If your club would like to join the O3C, please follow this LINK
NOTE TO RENEWING CLUBS: Each season, there is usually a change in Club Executives and their responsibilities. Please fill out the contact information for all of your Executives and update your OLIS listing so we can direct information as needed. If you do not have a membership count, please estimate based on last year or your best judgement for this year. If for some reason you will not be renewing, please let our Membership Director, Tom Stephens know. Clubs that have not renewed by October 15th each year will be automatically disconnected from accessing member content from the O3C website. Renewals can be done online at: https://o3c.ca/join/renew-memberships-with-occc/