Executive Committee and Management Positions for Ontario Council of Camera Clubs

Executive Committee


Open Positions

There are several key positions that need to be filled now so we can continue to offer the quality of events and services that you have become used to.

  • Vice President
  • Events Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Speakers Day Chair / Executive Information Day Chair


As a Non-Profit and Volunteer based organization, we are always looking for qualified individuals to provide assistance and lend their expertise to the various committees. This may be on an as needed basis or as a committee member. The following are some of the areas we are looking for:

  • Legal
  • Business organization
  • Project planning
  • General help at events

If you have people skills and experience in any of the above and would like to help or would like further information, please contact Leif Petersen at president@o3c.ca or Bharat Mistry at pastpresident@o3c.ca